10 intrepid men are planning to walk the length of Hadrians Wall to raise money for the charity Sight For Sight. Fight For Site are funding research into Choroideremia.

Choroideremia is a recessive hereditary X-linked eye disease characterised by degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium, photoreceptors and choroid.

Affected individuals, usually male, develop night blindness in their teens, which progresses to tunnel vision and blindness 20 to 30 years after the onset. There is no current treatment for the disease.

Tommy Salisbury is currently in the news because he has the same condition and his family and friends have been raising money to support clinical trials into treating this condition.

Joe Pepper is a Croydon resident whohas the same condition and his father and nine friends are also raising money to support Fight For Sight's funding towards making the clinical trails happen.

Trek For Joe is all about ten local guys walking the length of Hadrians Wall in April 2012. There is a blog which provides more information, http://trekforjoe.blogspot.com and a Facebook site where the teams progress can be followed.

The Facebook page is Hadrians Walk and can be found by typing 'twentytiredfeet' into the Facebook search.

Based on information supplied by Phil.