A single woman on the hunt for a husband will become the subject of a new documentary as she takes her quest to the sub-continent, writes Tom Barnes.

The fly on the wall film, Desperately Seeking Husband, follows Sejal Sehmi, a Khatak dancer, as she travels to Mumbai in her native India in search of a spouse.

Sejal has tried speed dating, internet dating and lonely hearts ads, and even attempted to turn men in gay clubs, but to no avail.

The 33-year-old has now got six months to find a man otherwise her parents, fearing they will not live to see grandchildren, will set her up with a shopkeeper’s son.

The journey will take her across India enlisting meeting suitors through dating counsellors, marriage bureaus and even nationwide poster campaigns.

Sejal said she was very excited about the prospect of finding a man and exploring her homeland.

She said: “Like many Indian girls my age my family thinks I am at the ideal age to find a partner.

“It was expected if not inevitable that I would at some point marry a ‘good’ Indian boy from a ‘nice’ family.

“But believe me I have tried every route you can think of and not had much luck so far so I thought why not go back to India.

“It may sound a little crazy but I have to try something.”

Director Shakir Kadri said he wants the documentary to explore the pressures on Asian woman to get married.

He said: “Being a British Asian and knowing first-hand the unique and culturally specific problems are often compartmentalised into the ‘taboo’ box.

“I hope this documentary will not only plot Sejal’s unique and dramatic journey but explore and challenge issues that affect so many in the Asian community”.

Sejal sets off on her man hunt at the beginning of February with the documentary expected to be shown in cinemas across the country this summer.

* To keep up to date with Sejal visit indiegogo.com/desperately-seeking-husband or follow her progress on twitter at twitter.com/sejal_thefilm.