Councillor Henry Nelless (Merton Council; Conservative, Abbey ward)

I read the article regarding the proposed Broadway hotel development (New hotel on Broadway, 19 January 2012) with great interest.

As a ward councillor for the area, I can tell him that there is a very real level of local concern about the building’s proposed size and design and the large number of additional cars it will bring to the area while offering no meaningful parking spaces.

If Crown Properties’ Mr Ibrahim had actually attended the public meeting, that Conservative councillors organised for residents to discuss the previous application for the hotel last summer, he would know this.

The building which is presently on the site (the old Jobcentre) has little architectural merit, but this proposed redevelopment should be regarded as an opportunity to improve The Broadway, not replace it with something which is equally uninspiring.

The one advantage, of course, which the current building has over the proposal is its size.

The developer’s planning application is for a building which will be three metres higher than the glass CIPD building, which is itself a large building.

The result will be the utter dominance by the hotel of those small Victorian streets which lie behind it.

There is undoubtedly a requirement for a new hotel in Wimbledon, however this should not be a stack it high and sell it cheap option.

If Wimbledon is serious about exploiting the SW19 brand and of doing what it can to help Wimbledon Theatre compete with the West End, then this proposal cannot be the right option.

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