The story of a family holiday plunged into war all seen through the eyes of an eight-year-old has been published.

Web designer Soner Kioufi, of Oakfield Road, Waddon, was just a child holidaying with his mum and younger brothers in Cyprus when war broke out between Turkish and Greek forces.

Now the 46-year-old, whose father is Turkish Cypriot and his mother Chinese, is set to publish his autobiographical account of viewing the controversial conflict first as a holiday maker, and then a refugee.

He said: “It was something I wanted to do for a long time and during the past four years, during quiet times I have slowly put it together.

“It was strange writing it, remembering the events. Whenever the year 1974 is mentioned it jolts me, but most of the time you just don’t think about it.

“Writing it I spoke to my brothers and as they were younger they remembered less. I think it was really interesting for them.”

He described how the short family break was extended to more than three months as they ran from village to village avoiding the fighting.

Back home his father did not know if they were alive or dead.

Despite these memories Mr Kioufi, who runs his own business from his home, still regularly visits Cyprus and prefers not to be drawn on the rights and wrongs of the war.

He said: “I try to be as fair as possible. People on both sides made mistakes.”

The Green Line - Holiday in a Warzone - Cyprus 1974 is to be published as a paperback in March.