A senior nurse is urging people to put the lid down when flushing the toilet to avoid the spread of disease.

Pippa Hart, director of nursing at Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust (ESTH) said putting a lid on it can prevent and control the spread of infections.

She said: "Closing the lavatory lid before you flush could help you avoid unwanted germs, including the winter vomiting bug Norovirus.

"You might not realise it, but leaving the lid up can allow a cloud of bacteria to explode into the air, settling on nearby surfaces, including towels, flannels and more worryingly toothbrushes."

Research by Leeds Teaching Hospitals has shown bacteria can be transported up to ten inches above a toilet seat when it is left open, and can still be found in the air up to an hour and a half later.

For more information in how ESTH tackles infections visit epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk/infection control.