A football club has one last chance to salvage its 100 year history and save itself from going bust.

Molesey Football Club need a planning application for 20 homes on unused ground at its Walton Road home to be passed to ensure a debt-free future.

A club spokesman said that without the development, the club would have no choice but to close.

The situation is at its most desperate after a controversial last-ditch effort to save the club with 11 homes in Anne Way, behind the West Molesey club, failed last year when the council rejected the plans.

Since then, the Save the Moles campaign has gathered pace, with 595 members on its Facebook group so far.

The past couple of months have seen extensive public consultation, with two exhibitions and meetings with planners, councillors and neighbours to shape the proposals.

Club spokesman Debbie Harry said: “By releasing some unused land we can generate desperately needed funds to wipe out our debt once and for all, upgrade our pitch facilities and secure the club’s future for generations to come.

“We have been delighted by the response of the Molesey community to the Save the Moles campaign. The overwhelming feeling has been one of support and encouragement.”

However, there are still people that refuse to support the development and its proximity to neighbouring houses.

Mrs Harry said: “There are of course some issues which affect our immediate neighbours, I’m one myself, and we wanted to address those sensitively before we finalised the planning application, but it is very clear that the Molesey community really values what we do and want us to carry on.

“These plans are now our only hope to save the club and keep our ground for the benefit of the local community for generations yet to come.”

Councillor Ernest Mallett accused the club of using an emotional campaign to get their plans through.

He said: “They say this is the last time they will want to sell land and this is the big salvation, but they’ve done it once before, and who's to say they won't do it again?

“But my issue is this land is for sports, and development like this should not be allowed on it. This new plan is double the size, it’s worse than the last plan.”

Coun Mallett said a section 106 agreement on the land stipulated it could only be used for leisure purposes.

The plans were due to be considered by Elmbridge councillors at the end of February.