Running fanatics are being offered places on next year’s London and Brighton marathons by a Surrey charity.

Surrey Care Trust, which aims to tackle disadvantage, social exclusion and hardship, has secured guaranteed slots on the world-famous runs.

Trust event organiser Vicki Nash said running a marathon was an amazing opportunity.

She said: “It’s an amazing experience. I go to watch every year and it’s such a great atmosphere.

“Our runners always say it’s one of the best things they have ever done.”

Runners must pay a deposit for the place and raise a minimum amount of sponsorship - £1,500 for the London Marathon and £500 for Brighton.

There are six places available on the London Marathon and 10 on the Brighton Marathon, which is in its third year.

The charity is also offering help and advice on fundraising.

To apply to run for Surrey Care Trust, email or call 01483 412751.