A disabled man who petitioned to have a ramp installed outside his home has won a small victory.

Colin Bowden, who suffers from arthritis, angina, asthma and diabetes, has been limited to travelling by scooter since May, when it became too difficult for him to walk due to his illnesses.

The 49-year-old, who was registered disabled in 2005, struggles to get in and out of his ground-floor flat in Furzeland House in Sheephouse Way, New Malden, because of a nine-inch step.

Kingston Council fitted Mr Bowden’s flat with a disabled toilet and shower, but he said they refused to install a ramp so he submitted a petition to them with the backing of the other six residents.

But the council has now considered Mr Bowden’s case and said it would install the ramp this financial year.

Mr Bowden said: “I was over the moon when I heard; it’s going to make my life so much easier.

“They said they would put it in early next year so I can’t wait.”

Mr Bowden, who has lived in the flat for 10 years with his wife Lucy, has made a temporary ramp out of scaffolding board because he was so sick of asking for help to get in and out.