Convicted burglars will be getting an unwelcome Christmas card this year - from Surrey Police.

The move is one of a series of initiatives to drive down burglaries this festive season which normally sees a 33 per cent increase in domestic burglaries between October and December.

The campaign includes a short video advising people not to leave presents on show under their Christmas tree and a radio advert highlighting the views of a homeowner who has been burgled.

About 70 known burglars across Surrey will receive a seasonal greeting from Surrey Police reminding them of the consequences if they re-offend.

This is the first time police have used Christmas cards to target burglars, however in previous years those expected to commit anti social behaviour have received a festive warning.

Police are also planning to increase patrols targeting high risk areas and known offenders while handing out free property marking kits to protect valuable items, A new 10-step self assessment of home security will also be available on their website including practical advice to help homeowners reduce their chances of being burgled.

Temporary detective superintendent Maria Woodall said: “The majority of burglars are opportunists and if they see lots of wrapped presents on show and no one appears to be home they will seize the opportunity.

“It’s best to hide them somewhere safe until Christmas morning.

“It may not seem that desirable to have an empty space under the Christmas tree but it’s a better option than having an empty space under the tree as the victim of a burglary.

“Properties that appear to be unoccupied are more often targeted, and therefore making sure your home looks and feels like someone is at home can be all that is needed to keep your belongings safe - such as leaving a few lights on.”

For more information visit Keep your home safe this Christmas:- • Don't leave presents under the Christmas tree in view of a window. Hide them somewhere safe until Christmas morning.

• Security mark expensive presents, such as electronic equipment with a forensic marking product and keep an inventory on a property registration website such as • Dispose of Christmas gift packaging carefully. Empty boxes left outside can advertise to thieves what they can find inside.

Going away?

• If you are going away over the festive period ask a neighbour or your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme to keep an eye on your house.

• Do not post details of your holiday on social networking sites.

• Make your house look occupied by using automatic timer switches to turn interior lights, radios or TVs on and off and ensure you cancel your milk and newspapers.

• Remember to lock all doors and windows and to set your burglar alarm.