Sutton’s High Street shops are trying to make the town centre more accessible.

The new Sit Stop scheme, run by a partnership between Sutton Council and Sutton's Seniors Forum, sees companies including Starbucks, The Body Shop, Millets and Linen Direct offering a seat to anyone who is elderly, disabled, pregnant or just needs to sit down for a while, without any pressure to make a purchase.

Councillor Jayne McCoy, executive member for planning, economic development and housing on Sutton Council, said: “We want Sutton’s shopping centres to be accessible to as many people as possible, and the Sit Stop scheme is a great way of making our High Streets welcoming to everyone.

“Knowing that there will always be a chair available if you need to sit down may seem like a small thing, but it will make a big difference to a lot of residents.”

Many businesses who participate have designated Sit Stop chairs, but if you can’t see an available seat then just ask.

More places are joining the scheme all the time; look out for the Sit Stop logo in windows or visit