Controversial proposals to introduce double yellow lines on a street notoriously bad for parking have sparked uproar.

Kingston Council has suggested implementing the no parking zone in Chestnut Grove, New Malden, as part of a traffic management scheme in the Groves area.

The road is located between Corpus Christi School, Christ Church Junior School, Christ Church Primary School and is also near New Malden railway station, so is often congested.

Some residents in Chestnut Grove do not have drives and are concerned about where they would park if the double yellows were installed.

A mother, whose son attends Corpus Christie School, said: “No one can park along Elm Road, they have to park in Beech or Chestnut and it’s just not feasible. It’s a nightmare around pick-up and drop-off times.”

Chairwoman of the Groves Residents’ Association Sandra Flower said the consultation is the result of a 550-signature petition to have a working party set up solely to address traffic in the area.

She said: "We just want this to be a safe place for people to walk and cycle and drive around. Parking in all the roads is at a premium.

“However many people we have in the association we will have that number of views. We all have a personal view and I can only encourage people to fill in the survey.”

The council is carrying out a public consultation on the traffic scheme, which requires a 40 per cent return rate before further action is taken.

Controversial proposals to introduce double yellow lines on a street notoriously bad for parking have sparked concerns.