Back in vogue and back on the menu, the world-class British broad bean is attracting many new followers. No longer the grey/green beans of yesteryear, the trick to enjoying modern-day broad beans is to ‘double-pod’ them and reveal the small emerald green bean inside that’s a true gem. It’s most likely however that you will find larger beans, so here’s a step-by-step-guide on how to prepare these truly tasty treats from podding to plate.

1. Begin by snapping off one end of the pod and splitting it open to reveal the broad beans inside. Gently push your thumb down the inside of the pod and the beans will fall clear.

2. Boil for 5 minutes or steam for 7-12 minutes – the cooking time depends on the size and age of the beans, you want them to be soft and tender so test with a fork while cooking. Tip – don’t add salt or the skins tend to toughen.

3. Once cooked, drain the water and grab a plate and bowl. Now here’s the trick to enjoying one of nature’s gems – gently snip one end of the thick grey/green outer skin with your fingernail.