A charity fundraiser from Brixton is hoping to win a £100,000 prize to develop projects with orphans in South Africa.

Lucy Caslon, 30, of Ferndale Road, is competing against two other projects to represent the UK in the Vodafone Foundation award, which will see 20 countries battling it out for a cash investment.

Ms Caslon, who plans to use the money to create an electronic census of the continent’s orphans, set up her charity in 2007, after working with 50 orphans with HIV/AIDs in Lesotho.

The Msizi Africa foundation now cares for 1000 children across Lesotho and South Africa.

She said the census will help co-ordinate aid efforts to ensure every child's welfare is accounted for.

She said: "My children are doing well but it breaks my heart to see other orphans who don’t have the same care. "The possibilities are endless with this. In Africa there is large mobile phone usage- people are very poor but everyone has a mobile phone.

"This could spread across the whole of South Africa very fast. You cannot underestimate how important this is because if you influence one person’s life it can have a knock on effect.

"There are 15 million orphans in sub-Saharan Africa so it is only scratching the surface, but after one province takes it up, the others may follow suit." To vote for the Msizi Africa charity, visit http://www.facebook.com/worldofdifference?sk=app_220502284678145.