New Malden fencer Sophie Trioano has made up for her European disappointment by getting the nod to compete at the World Championships in Italy next week – and she is out to prove she’s worth her place on the plane.

The 24-year-old has had an indifferent season and as a result was overlooked for the European Championships in Sheffield – a decision she found hard to stomach.

But having improved her results since then she has received the nod to compete in Sicily – and the former Wimbledon High School student is out to show she deserves it.

“Personally for me it’s been a mixed period, I had some good results but given the new programme we’ve done since August, I think we’re all in a much stronger position,” said the Beazley backed Lansdowne Fencing Club star.

“The senior circuit compared to the junior circuit, which I had been doing previously, is a major step up. But I’m really finding my feet and I think we are as a team as well. I am just eager to prove myself at the worlds. As a team we want to move forward, but individually I just want to improve on my last performance.”

The World Championships are the last major competition prior to next year’s Olympics, and Trioano knows she must produce the goods or risk being overlooked for 2012.

“Every competitive event is an opportunity,” she added.

“With London 2012 coming up it’s vitally important to perform well on the big stage.

“As an elite athlete there is always pressure to perform. It’s most important to keep things in perspective and just keep your feet on the ground.”

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