An eyewitness to the shooting in Clapham High Street on Wednesday has told how he gave first aid to the victim as he lay on the pavement.

The victim, believed to be a Portuguese man in his 20s, was attacked by a gang of youths as he stood with his girlfriend in the High Street.

Terrified drinkers ran for cover as the youths shot the man outside the HedKandi bar at about 9.30pm before running from the scene.

The eyewitness, a Clapham resident, told the Wandsworth Guardian he heard four loud "bangs" from his flat which he said could only have been gunshots.

But rather than cower in his flat, he bravely headed straight out to help the stricken victim.

He said: "I saw two youths aged around 16-years-old running down the road, one appeared to be carrying something wrapped in a black plastic bag in his right hand.

"I ran downstairs on to the street as I could hear shouting at the end of the road. I found a man lying on his back.

"Being trained in emergency aid, I helped out, trying to keep him awake and alert. The victim's friend was hysterical and tried to give him the kiss of life, however I had to tell her to stop as he was already breathing."

Another witness, Jason Keen, wrote on Twitter: "Just saw someone get shot in Clapham High Street right in front of me. Never run so fast in my life."

Another resident, Polly Abbott, wrote: "Was literally on the other side of the road and saw someone get shot in Clapham. Just awful and don't want to live there any more.

"Was on a bus and the driver kept on going. Loads of people were running to help."

The victim was taken to a south London hospital shortly after with "life-threatening" injuries at 9.40pm.

Clapham High Street, from Edgeley Road to Clapham North tube station remained cordoned off this morning.

The Met's Trident Unit, which investigates gun crime in the capital, has been informed.

Police were questioning Cato Road residents as they left their homes to try to find out more information about the shooting.

No arrests have been made.

Were you out in Clapham last night? Did you see anything?

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