Police investigating a house fire in Streatham last night have said it was home to a cannabis factory.

Fire crews from West Norwood, Norbury, Tooting and Clapham attended the blaze, at a semi-detached house on Heathdene Road, shortly after 11.50pm but put it out within 15 minutes.

Resident Nick Wright woke up to hear sirens on his road and took photos of the burning house.

He said he was “not surprised” the house was believed to be being used to grow cannabis.

He said: “I am aware of how prevalent cannabis factories are at the moment. We had one just next to where I work.”

A spokesperson for London Fire Brigade said the roof of the house was badly damaged but fire crews stopped the fire from spreading to neighbouring houses and no one was injured.

Lambeth police said neighbours were evacuated and the road was closed for several hours.

Police are investigating the incident. Anyone with information should call anonymously Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.