Having read Steve Mama's informative letter about the Kingston Rose, it seems things are going from bad to worse.

Could anybody imagine a local authority spending £6million on what is an empty building with no completion date and a director who became annoyed because we taxpayers had the audacity to question costs? Could we imagine asking a local authority for millions of pounds for a risky project and actually getting it?

If the risk has now risen to £10million, I find it extraordinary that this administration has got away with it. But it is apparently lawful, so they have. Hopefully, with Steve Mama and other opposition members of the council, they will not be allowed to forget what is a scandal.

No wonder Sir Peter Hall and his followers are pleased. Nice work if you can get it.

Of course the £6m (or £10m) could have been spent on primary schools. It would have made an excellent risk-free investment for everybody.

H BEESTON Lynton Road New Malden