Under the heading of Safe Routes to School the council has installed some 10 lampposts in a stretch of Snakey Alley along the grounds of Glyn school in Ewell.

This was done without any consultation of the residents affected by the lights. Apparently the lighting is to prevent bullying by/of Glyn schoolboys.

On August 15, the lights were switched on - and are illuminating the adjoining gardens and houses from 7.15pm till 6am, adding to the severe light pollution in the Epsom/Ewell area.

How can such a waste of money and, more importantly, energy as well as light pollution be justified?

Does the council feel exempt from the duty to save energy wherever possible, to avoid pollution and to spend taxpayers' money sensibly?

If such lighting does indeed prevent bullying and other misdeeds in the alley, then surely it is enough to light the alley at the hours when pupils go to and leave the school rather than throughout the night and every night of the year?

Anyone can see that graffiti artists and vandals (who try to break off every bit of fencing possible) are constantly at work in the alley.

Providing them with light after nightfall just allows them to carry on after dark.

And trying to create the impression that lighting makes it safe to walk along there at night is just irresponsible since Fairview Road leading to the alley is pitch dark, as is the alley's continuation beyond Hessle Grove.

ANNELIES LINDNER Address supplied