I am writing in response to the article published on Thursday, August 24, of the Wimbledon Guardian, page 13, entitled "Community will say no to homes".

Mr Philip and Ms Ann Graham may possibly feel that the proposal of class C2 at 30 Cliveden Road is not a sensible proposal yet I can reassure that this is not the case.

The property currently belonging to Merton Council is used to provide housing solutions for the purposes of providing temporary accommodation for single homeless people.

The property is in the process of being sold to Wandle Housing Association, which intends to use it to provide supported living opportunities to the three residents with learning disabilities.

This is in par with the "independence" agenda advocated by central government and "Valuing People" from the Department of Health to empower people to live within the community in good quality accommodation with adequate support rather than in traditional residential care homes.

Contrary to claims in the letter to the Guardian of August 24, 2006, the people to be housed at this location do not have a history of offending and are certainly not considered to be "undesirables" by Merton Council.

Originally, Wandle Housing Association had intended to simply refurbish the existing building but surveys carried out on the property indicated that it was in a poor structural state and that reconstructing was more appropriate.

Merton Council and the Conservative administration are intent on improving the standard of all council properties, and retain period properties whenever possible and, in the event of demolition and rebuild, to ensure the new structure is sympathetic to the surroundings.

Regardless of ownership, the demolition and rebuild application must follow Merton Council's standard planning process and is therefore open to public consultation.

I hope this has helped and I would like to add that the Dundonald ward councillors have agreed to meet with local residents at 8pm on September 15 at the Dundonald Park Pavilion to understand the concerns with the current planning application.

COUNCILLOR DIANE MILLS, Cabinet Member for housing and regeneration, London Borough of Merton