From September 15 we will have the chance to see the widely trailed film The Queen, which deals with the death of Princess Diana. Obviously full appreciation cannot be enjoyed until it has been seen.

However one feels an instinctive admiration for the director Stephen Frears for his courage in tackling this difficult and inevitably controversial subject.

The residual deference in which the monarchy is held still tends to make rational discussion of such topics difficult. But if predictions are correct Frears does succeed in the task he sets himself.

One has to ask of course why in this day and age there is still hesitation over frank discussion of our head of state and the way they are selected.

Whatever our views on the Queen as a person it is odd - to say the least - that we hear so little discussion of the hereditary principle.

In no other important area of national life is this acceptable and it is not immediately obvious why it should operate in the case of the monarchy.

Perhaps Frears' film will lead to some rather more vigorous and mature discussion on the topic.