One company which has responded to this newspaper’s call for businesses to take on apprentices is BLC Property Services in Purley.

Byron Cole saw the 100 in 100 campaign has come forward with the offer of taking on another apprentice: “I read the first article a couple of weeks ago and then saw another on the campaign last week and decided I had to definitely do something,” he said.

His business specialises in carrying out the checks and producing the certificates required by landlords, estate agents and businesses on property. These include gas safety certificates, energy performance certificates and electrical safety certificates all of which are now required by law. The company can also produce floor plans and carries out portable appliance testing.

“We already employ three apprentices,” said Mr Cole. “We have been in our current location in Purley two years and employ 17 people here three of whom are administration apprentices.”

Mr Cole approached the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) to find the first three apprentices. The NAS then put him in touch with Real Time Training, a training provider.

All three apprentices have settled in very well.

“One has completed her first year and level 1 in business administration and is now going on to study level 2. She is performing far beyond what I had expected someone new to the business to do.”

Mr Cole is so pleased with the hard work and professionalism of the apprentices he has employed that he is happy to take on a fourth.

We are hoping other employers will come forward and support the 100 in 100 campaign which was launched with the aim of encouraging businesses, large and small, to employ 100 apprentices in 100 days. We know that unemployment among the young is at a record level and there are thousands of young people who are desperate to start work.

There are also scores of firms which need apprentices. Since the campaign was launched we have brought you stories on how some local businesses have been trying to fill their skills gap and take on young people and give them a career. We have also looked at the work of local training providers and the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) – the organisation tackling unemployment among the young.

Young people reading these stories have contacted us explaining their hopes of trying to find work and we have put them in touch with the NAS and local colleges. Businesses too have expressed interest in taking on the right person. We want to bring would-be apprentices and businesses wanting to employ them together. To get involved contact Steve or Jennie for more information on 01689 885636 / 020 8722 6450 or email