It appears that Councillor Drage (Following own advice about checking facts, August 17) would rather attack an opposition councillor than concentrate on giving readers the full facts about the current state of finances within the borough.

For instance, he has not explained why the borough's debt is now approaching £70million - record borrowing and record levels of council tax.

He has not explained why the council has a disposals list' of property and land that it wishes to sell to prop up its ailing accounts.

No mention is made of the wilful waste of money on things like the peace mural' at the underpass by the civic offices. Over £1,000 blown on something that benefits nobody.

Nor have we ever been told why £600,000 of public money was squandered on a bus stop in St Nicholas Way. Add to that the proliferation of unnecessary road humps, coloured paving outside Asda, over-manning within council departments and one quickly realises that the Lib Dems fail local tax payers dismally when it comes to value for money.

Perhaps a parallel can be drawn between Coun Drage's instant elevation to Lead councillor for finance and resources' and the previous incumbent, who was spectacularly dumped by the electorate at the recent local elections.

They obviously saw through the waffle and realised that with a Lib Dem running the finances all hope had gone for sensible taxation and spending policies.

COUNCILLOR DAVID PICKLES Conservative member for Belmont ward London borough of Sutton