I have read with interest the letter "Day Centre closure appeal - stage three" by Comrade Harold Trace, who is the New Labour Party information officer, as we all know.

He is not a Stanwell resident and has not been elected to represent Stanwell and is a member of the public entitled to information under the Freedom of Information Act only.

What Comrade Trace would like to happen, or claims is unlikely to occur and is part of his political plan, is to throw mud at a council that achieved an excellent rating from the CPA -an inspectorate instituted by his own party in Government - on the premise that if you throw enough mud some of it will stick.

This is a non-political project, which the council wishes to be driven by Stanwellians not outsiders.

As the ward councillor I have many complaints that Stanwell has very little and that is why they fight so hard to retain what they have.

The council has accepted what residents have said and has a major partnership project under way called Stanwell - New Start, that will result in Stanwell being upgraded and residents are being asked to serve on a steering group to help produce a Stanwell residents would like to see.

The elderly day centre is part of the multi million pound projects that will rejuvenate Stanwell.

In the short term, a shop on Clare Road will be used as a Community Caf while building takes place and it is anticipated it will return to the old site, together with a purpose-built medical centre and library. In addition, a trade educational centre, a housing area for the frail elderly, as requested by the members of the day centre, complete with facilities and numerous other facilities.

All those residents who attended the fact finding exhibition on the green at Explorer Road and registered concerns will receive one-to-one visits.

Comrade Trace will be making the biggest mistake of his political career if he does not back the Stanwellians.

Coun Jack Pinkerton Stanwell North Ward