I have a concern over what is happening to our borough from a planning point of view, as I believe various policies are conspiring together to create a irreversible gradual decline to our quality of life.

I would like to use what is happening to Northcote Road as an example of the general problem - smaller traders and independent shops are closing, while estate agents and large-chain stores are on the increase.

There are only so many estate agents an area needs.

What made this area particularly appealing when we were buying a house in London was the character of Battersea, particularly Northcote Road, in terms of the variety of small independent traders.

I have spoken to stallholders and managers of recently closed shops and market pitches.

What shop managers are saying is that they are being squeezed out because they cannot afford to pay revised rents, and market stalls are closing because they cannot afford increased pitch rates.

As a resident of the area I buy as much as I can locally to support these traders, as do many others - you just have to look at the queues at the fruit and veg stalls, who incidentally provide products of superior quality to supermarkets.

I believe two problems lie behind many of the symptoms causing the change of character.: 1. Wandsworth Council's premises pricing policy - the rate of rent increase; 2. Freeholders refuse to look at the bigger picture - inviting in larger chains, such as estate agents.

An excellent launderette closed down because the business rates increase was too high, and a flower street stall closed because the price of renewing a pitch was too high.

I am seeing notices in shops that landlords are selling premises to large chain stores, forcing the smaller shopkeepers to close.

The council should consider policies such as : 1. Set a ratio of small traders to chain-stores such as estate agents, to inhibit large chains taking the place of small traders; 2. Offer discounts on business rates to traders who wish to remain and renew tenancy of shops.

I am not writing this letter just because my favourite cheese shop is threatened with closure.

Please pardon the pun, but this is not the thin end of the wedge, as numerous shops and stalls are closing and have closed to make way for large beaureacratic faceless chain stores and estate agents.

Indeed if more shops close the nature of the district I'm sure you are currently justifiably proud of will change forever, and they will have changed on your watch.

None of us want that - I'm sure you don't either.

KARL B DAVIES Mayford Road Balham SW12