Want to get your blood pressure checked? To mark World Hypertension Day, St Anthony’s Hospital, Cheam, Surrey, is holding an awareness evening on “High Blood Pressure – the silent killer” on Tuesday 17 May at 6.30pm where people can have their blood pressure measured.

One in every three adults in the UK has high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, while about two in every three people aged 65 and over have it. * High blood pressure can increase the risk of suffering a heart attack, heart failure, stroke, renal failure, arterial disease, and dementia. Most people with high blood pressure don’t have any symptoms at all so it often goes undiagnosed. That’s why it is known as the “silent killer”. So it’s vitally important to get it checked regularly. Even if you have normal blood pressure, it can change over time.

To mark World Hypertension Day on Tuesday 17 May, St Anthony’s Hospital, Cheam, Surrey, is holding an awareness evening, where there will be an opportunity to have your blood pressure checked.

Guest speaker Dr Tarek Antonios, Consultant Physician at St Anthony’s Hospital will be explaining what hypertension is, the importance of getting blood pressure checked regularly, treatment options and lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, which can help keep blood pressure at a healthy level. After questions, nurses will be available to take delegates’ blood pressure.

HOW TO BOOK The awareness evening takes place on Tuesday 17 May at St Bede’s Conference Centre in the grounds of St Anthony’s Hospital, with the doors opening at 6.30pm. To book your place call 020 8335 4556 or online at www.stanthonys.org.uk You are advised to book early to avoid disappointment.

Based on information supplied by Jackie Mitchell.