Nero Ughwujabo has been re-appointed to serve a further four years as a Non-executive Director at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust.

The freelance management consultant is chief executive of Croydon’s Black and Minority Ethnic Forum. He was originally appointed as Non-executive Director in 2007.

He said: “I am delighted to be re-appointed to this important role, during my first term and I have seen the Trust achieve many successes, including integration with Community Services; delivering ever improving services to the people of Croydon. I look forward to the next four years particularly playing a part in achieving our aspiration to become a Foundation Trust.”

Chairman Brian Phillpott said: “"I look forward to working with Nero over the next few months as we head for Foundation Trust status. His standing in the Community particularly his leading ambassadorial role for BME citizens provides crucial experience and skills to Croydon Health Services NHS Trust".

He will receive a remuneration of £6,096 per annum.

The re-appointment has been made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointment’s Code of Practice.