The borough's book lovers are being invited to apply for free copies of one of their favourite books so that they can give them away as part of a giant free book bonanza.

On the first ever World Book Night a total 1,000,000 books will be handed out throughout the evening of March 5.

Events will take place across the UK supported by the World Book Night charity, who are backed by The Reading Agency as well as a host of publishing houses, authors and celebrities.

The aim of the night is to celebrate adult literature and encourage reading amongst people who may have got out of the habit - or who have never really read much at all.

Applications to be a book giver are open until Jan 4 and 20,000 people will be selected to receive 48 free copies of a book chosen from a shortlist of 25 titles.

They can then hand these out however they wish - to family, friends or complete strangers.

The organisers are interested in hearing why they have chosen the book they want to share as well as how applicants would distribute their books and who they would choose who to give them to.

To submit an application people can visit or pop into their local library or bookshop for a form.

Croydon hopes to be having a number of celebrations of its own that evening, with music, book readings and other activities being lined up for several libraries.

Councillor Sara Bashford, cabinet member for customer services, culture and sport, said: ”We’re thrilled to be involved with the inaugural World Book Night and I would hope that with so many people living in Croydon we will have lots of residents who are going to be taking part.”