Ah, the delights of low-budget British cinema.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm as eager as the next person to give everything and everyone a chance, and, believe me, I know first-hand just how hard it is to try and get a film off the ground.

But when something like the 7th Dimension comes along, well, you do really wonder why people bother.

Written and directed by Brad Watson and starring Kelly Adams and Lucy Evans, this 'religious thriller' is part Da Vinci Code, part Pi and part worthless.

After a low-rent opening that introduces us to the two female leads (and which wouldn't have felt out of place on an episode of Hollyoaks) we eventually get to the thrust of the story.

A group of techno-geeks are locked away in some London tower block attempting to hack into the Vatican's computer archives, convinced that the original religious documents stored within have a way of forecasting the future.

So far, so dull, and if there is one thing that must be stressed to any potential viewer, it is that this really is a talkfest.

That may not be a bad thing of course, but when every character comes across as a mixture of stupidity and annoyance you are heading for trouble.

To be honest I don't really have an issue with the storyline, in fact it is quite interesting, but the dialogue is so poor and the acting so dire that it loses any credit you may have afforded it.

Then, just when everything seems totally lost, the film-makers decide to go all supernatural and end the film with a slam-bang finale of violence and plot twists that just doesn't work.

It is hard to say that anyone emerges from this with any credit, and this movie nerd admits he had his finger over the 'stop' button on his remote for most of the 90 minutes.

It is just a shame I did not have the opportunity to forecast how bad this film was going to be so I could have avoided it.

7th Dimension is released on August 23