I am currently in Year 11 of my school, Gumley House. When I started the school in 2005, I was quite a sporty person; nonetheless, Gumley has continually influenced me and encouraged me to increase my sport participation.

In Primary School, badminton was not a very popular sport. However, in Year 8, I saw a different side to it. As I was not fully acquainted with this particular sport, I was quite enthusiastic and willing to participate and contribute as well as I could. Every week I would play and before I knew it I became engulfed in the game. Because I am a keen tennis player; I felt that these skills helped me pick up badminton fairly quickly. I started to enjoy it so much that my friends and I started to go to the after school club on a Friday afternoon. The club was run by my P.E teacher, Miss Connor, a Badminton enthusiast, who taught me all of the various shots and techniques so I could start to play competitively. I found that as I progressed in playing, I became more motivated and I found myself enjoying the sport more and more. In Year 9, my friend and I were invited to play in a competitive tournament in Hounslow against the Year 11s within our school.

I think I can now say that I have joined my teacher in being a complete Badminton enthusiast. My school has influenced me so much; I know I will continue to play for a very long time.