Politics can be the source of great debates and many commentators have been writting on the results obtained by our 3 candidates Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. However the debate has been shifting away from the political issues and their plans to what they were wearing.

Why would a public get away from the essence of the debate to focus on appearances?

The public might have lost trust and interest by the same old tricks from our politicians and the only ressource they can focus on which may reveal more in a man than its promises is their jacket. Meet someone for the first time and before this person gets the opportunity to say anything you judge him by what you see. We have 45 secondes to make an impression.

Let's review our 3 candidates: - Our prime minister should have consulted an image consultant years ago. Gordon Brown just does not take care of his image at all. He dresses poorly and can wear exactly the same outfit on few occasions. As a public image and the leader of a country he ought to look the part as this will reflect on how people will judge his work. The lack of attention to details, the poor diversity and colours he uses makes him a rather uninteresting and unflattering person to look at. This does certainly play against him.

- The conservative leader, David Cameron is all about aggressivity. He could have handled this first debate in a more subtle way. He looses the game by aiming directly at its opponants. On the suit side this spirit is also reflected in the choice of his tie, a bright blue which should have been more muted. It would have been more flattering and not at the face of the public. He was there for a fight and to impose himself rather than engaging with the audience.

- On the contrary, Nick Clegg's strong performance was due to a far much more charming, relaxed and "himself" attitude. I believe this is the key in such public debates. You are there not in the Lion's arena and have an open argument with the participants. Nick Clegg has understood this and dissociated himself from Brown and Cameron. He has been the only one the game by appearing someone everyone can relate to. The body talk is right and the look is approachable yet very professional. However the yellow tie was a good combo with the suit this was too warm for the labour candidate. Cooler colours suits him better. Although yellow is representative of vitality and will, purple would have matched his natural complexion as well as symbolising pure thoughts and creativity.

My advice to anyone who is addressing to an audience of any size, any background and any field should never be dismissing the impact of how you look. And People pick up on this without consciously realising it. It is not the words that lure people it is the way we say and show it.

Image consultations can be booked at Renaissance Image www.info@renaissanceimage.co.uk