LOWFIELD HEATH WINDMILL: Russ Hill/Rectory Lane, Charlwood. Open day May 28, 2pm to 5pm. Free admission, donations welcomed. 01293 862374 or 01403 272664.

POETS ANONYMOUS: Poetry in the Primary Room, United Reformed Church, Addiscombe Grove, Croydon. 8645 9956.

OLD PALACE CLOG DANCE TEAM: Held in South Norwood. 8656 3399.

POETS ANONYMOUS: Poetry at the Dog and Bull, Surrey Street, Croydon. 8645 9956.

OLD COULSDON WI: Cameron Hall, Canon's Hill, Old Coulsdon. Meet second Monday every month at 2pm. Guests welcome, 75p.

SANDERSTEAD WI: United Reformed Church Hall, Sanderstead Hill, Sanderstead. Meet first Wednesday in the month. Guests welcome.

KENLEY MARKET: Kenley Memorial Hall, Godstone Road, Kenley. Every Friday 7.30am to 12pm. 8668 1648.

SANDERSTEAD VILLAGE WI: Methodist Church Hall, Limpsfield Road, Sanderstead. Meet first Monday in month, 7.30pm. Visitors welcome.

CIRCLE DANCING: Small Methodist Hall, Brighton Road, Coulsdon. Every third Thursday at 8pm. £2.50 per session, no partner needed, soft shoes. New dancers welcome. 01737 553446, or just turn up.