It’s not only grown ups that can call on design advisors.
If you’ve a pirate or a princess with a room to overhaul, call in the experts.

With ‘Pirates of the Caribbean II’ set to be a big summer hit with children, you could find yourself left with your own Captain Jack Sparrow looking for more from his living quarters. Creating a themed children’s room should be fun but you can also pick up some great tips from the experts, such as the furnishing advisers at John Lewis.

As well as tips, they have a wealth of simple and practical design solutions to transform any room into a pirate’s paradise. Furnishing adviser, Alison Ross, suggests the following:

A good way to create a themed room is with small items matching the scheme dotted all around – add a bright coloured duvet in the theme of your choice and a couple of cushions (Skull and Crossbones cushion £12.50, Pirate cushion £12.50) and you’re half way there.

We’re not all budding Picassos – a simple design like this repeated wave pattern is simple to do and looks brilliant.

A fold out sofa provides useful extra seating and is perfect for impromptu sleep-overs (Dizzy Sofa Bed, Russet, £450).

Anything multipurpose is ideal. Storage that doubles up as seating is a great option, as are these lifebuoy cushions which you can hang on the walls and take down to use to sit on if your son’s friends suddenly decide to hop aboard. (Life Buoy Cushion £12.50).

The furnishing advisors can offer as much or as little help as you need, they offer a standard or a premier service. With the standard service, your adviser will help pick colour schemes, paint, flooring, lighting, curtains blinds and accessories, as well as co-ordinate organising delivery and the service is free.

If you want some extra guidance, you could opt for the personalised premier service at £200, which is fully refundable against your purchases. Furnishing advisers can help offer design solutions for any room in the home and they will visit you at home to discuss ideas and to measure up and assess what is right for you based on your space, tastes and lifestyle.

For details, go online at or call 08456 049 049 and ask for the Furnishing Advice Service.