A woman whose body has been in Mayday Hospital's mortuary for more than five weeks will finally be cremated after intervention by the Croydon Guardian.

A funeral for Rose Ibbetson, who died at the London Road hospital on April 3 after a string of illnesses, has been delayed by legal wrangles.

The hospital said it had to establish who was financially responsible for her cremation after she failed to nominate a next of kin before her death.

The Croydon Guardian revealed last week how Mrs Ibbetson's long-term carer Alan Berris was facing a race against time to ensure the 66-year-old was cremated before he travelled to Australia, where he lives.

Mayday said it had decided to cremate Mrs Ibbetson, granting a final wish that her ashes were flown to Australia and given to her daughter.

Mr Berris said he was happy the hospital had acted in time. "Mayday have offered to complete the cremation and that was what I wanted all along," he said, "I'm very happy that they have finally decided to cremate Rose and hopefully we can draw a line under all this.

"I understand that they had to do everything legally required of them in order to find out who had to pay for it but I'm glad that we can finally put her to rest."

Mr Berris is hoping Mrs Ibbetson's family can finally find closure once her ashes arrive in Australia.

He added: "I know Rose's daughter is happy this situation has finally been resolved. I hope that she and the other members of Rose's family can finally begin to get over this.

"This will be good for them and they can now begin to grieve."

A Mayday spokesman confirmed Mrs Ibbetson would be cremated after social services said her estate was worthless.