On Thursday, March 16, with Marzia Nicodemi-Enikioya our secretary, I met Chief Superintendent Mark Gore.

The previous evening I briefly met Chief Supt at the Croydon Police Consultative Group (CPCG) meeting. Unbeknown to me, a number of the shop owners from the Bluebird parade were also at that meeting to take part in public question time with the police.

Like so many others they do not think that in the past police have taken their complaints of theft, vandalism and general unruly behaviour seriously.

It is only now after our meeting with Chief Supt Gore and the appearance of the shopkeepers at the CPCG meeting the police appear to be thinking of Asbos. Where have they been over the past two-and-a- half years?

Another matter that is always brought up at CPCG meetings is the problem of getting through to the police and when people do, being taken seriously.

One of the excuses is anti-terrorism duties. We told Chief Supt Gore of the lack of visible policing around Shirley and hopefully something will be done to improve things, especially with the help of police community support officers.

At the CPCG meeting Chief Supt Gore reiterated something said by Sir Ian Blair a few days earlier, that police must get out of their cars and take to walking a beat area again and get to know residents and shopkeepers.

Other than the usual troublemakers like me, how many residents do they know? Marzia and I said that the association had over the past few years tried to get a meaningful dialogue with the police without much success.

While the Chief Superintendent did not promise an overnight miracle, we thought he was listening. Only time will tell. He talked the talk; hopefully he will now walk the walk. Marzia and I were pleased to meet him and welcome him to the borough.

Peter Howard
Spring Park Residents' Association