A third man arrested in connection with the shooting of an Upper Norwood couple has been released by police.

The 23-year-old man was picked up in St James's Road on Friday, March 24, and taken to a police station for questioning about the deaths of Jordan Lee Jackson and Leyla Djemal-Northcott.

Jordan, 20, and Leyla, 21, had recently moved into a flat in Menlo Gardens before they were targeted by a gang wearing balaclavas and ski masks.

Jordan's twin brother Kieran and his girlfriend were also shot during the apparently motiveless attack, but survived.

Police are still appealing for witnesses to come forward.

One of the suspects is described as a dark-skinned black man, around 6ft, wearing dark clothing.

His accomplice was described as a lighter-skinned black man, around 5ft 4in to 5ft 5in, wearing dark clothing.

Police said two men matching the description of the suspects were seen in the vicinity of Menlo Gardens shortly before the attack took place.

Anyone with information should call the incident room on 020 8247 4553 or if you wish to remain anonymous, Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.