I would like to comment on the recent terrorist attacks on London. As a resident of Croydon and born and raised in this town I am very much British.

I am a Muslim and I am proud of that fact and doubly proud that I am a British Muslim.

But let me say how angry, sad, appalled, disgusted and outraged I am at the perpetrators of these attacks. These sentiments are shared by our entire community in the town.

If, indeed, the perpetrators describe themselves as Muslims then I would like to say that Islam or Islamic law in no way justifies such barbaric and insane acts that cause wanton destruction and death to innocent people. The only justification is in the sick minds of a few twisted and misguided people who we all would like to see locked up and punished.

Throughout the years we have enjoyed good ethnic community relations between the population, the Muslims of this town have made positive contributions to the town and county and to the country as a whole.

I hope that people will see these attacks for what they are and not initiate a backlash against Muslims who are totally innocent of the crimes perpetrated.

There will be many racist and bigoted people hoping to make political and racial mileage out of these tragic events and will seek to drive a wedge between communities.

My hope is that most people are intelligent enough not to jump on any bandwagons and continue the good relations we have enjoyed through the many years.

Our prayers and thoughts are with the victims at this time.

Jehad Shamis
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