HEATHFIELD NATURE CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS: Heathfield Ecology Centre, The Old Orchard, Heathfield , Coombe Lane. Meet first and third Sunday of every month, 10.30am. Children welcome; vegetarian lunch provided. Wear old clothes. Car parking available. 8657 9854 for more details.

CLASSICAL ARABIC BELLY DANCING: Parklangley Club, Wickham Way, Beckenham. Learn the Arabic art form of belly dancing. Weekly lessons by British belly-dancer Jacqueline Chapman. Classes every Thursday, 7pm to 8pm, admission £6. 8777 6662.

KENLEY MARKET: Kenley Memorial Hall, Godstone Road, Kenley. Every Friday morning 7.30am to 12.30pm. 8668 1648.

SURREY HARMONY WOMEN'S BARBERSHOP CHORUS: Coulsdon Methodist Church Hall, Brighton Road, Coulsdon. Every Wednesday from 7.30pm. If you would like to join, then come along or phone 020 8647 7352.

AMERICAN STYLE TAP DANCING: Tuesday evenings, 7pm beginners, 7.45pm intermediate. 8654 3814.

EMBROIDERS GUILD: United Reformed Church, Croydon. Monthly meetings, Saturday's. United Reformed Church, Purley. Monthly meetings, Tuesday's. For dates of meetings call 8688 2417.

BALLROOM AND LATIN AMERICAN DANCING: Methodist Church Hall, Limpsfield Road, Warlingham. Every Wednesday from 8pm. Beginners welcome. Instruction and practice. 8651 2630.