We agree with Mr Tilly about the black blobs of discarded chewing gum and the people who put them there.

Transport for London has been asked to try and remove the blobs and to make the paving slabs level which their contractor has failed to do.

The people of Norbury do care about their town well some of them do.

We as an association have been trying for three years to improve the state of this area.

We continually report litter, graffiti, abandoned furniture cars, oil and food waste on pavements, filthy gardens, run down houses, dog mess etc.

This used to be a tidy clean area, but no longer.

It is not only the mindless yobs; it is also shops, residents and landlords who leave their rubbish about for other people to clean up.

How much extra does this cost the council and us as ratepayers?

Can CCTV spot offenders?

Heavy fines might improve the cleanliness of Norbury and encourage pride in the locality we would love to see it clean and tidy always.

AF Godbold Chairman North Norbury Residents Association