Martin Taylor reckons that all cyclists should be forced to take a driving test (Guardian, July 28) reasoning that this would make them "more aware of the dangers they pose on the roads".

However, according to the AA, 85 per cent of drivers admit to speeding.

Government researchers found that "each year excessive and inappropriate speed helps kill around 1,200 people and to injure more than 100,000 more. This is far more than any other single contributor to casualties on our roads".

They therefore recommended that "drivers should become more aware of their responsibilities towards all vulnerable road users".

All this shows that just because you have a driving license doesn't mean you can lecture other road users about road sense and road safety.

So, instead of making sweeping generalisations about cyclists, Mr Taylor should himself try riding a bike.

He would get a cyclist's perspective on using our roads, get fitter and find out that cycling is a safe, fun and fast way to travel.

If he doesn't have a bike or, despite his bus driving license, needs refresher training, we'll be very happy to help.

For more information about cycling in Croydon, including professional cycle training for adults and our cycling for all programme, please visit our website AUSTEN COOPER Croydon Cycling Campaign St. Leonard's Road Croydon