The slating of the borough in an episode of Eastenders sparked TV funny man, Harry Hill, to compose a song about Croydon.

In his critique of that weeks television on his show, Harry Hill's TV Burp, he is spurred on to sing about Croydon after negative remarks are made about what is potentially London’s third city.

The song starts, "Croydon, city of a thousand dreams, I love Croydon, has a very strong branch of Nando's, Croydon, I went to Debenhams once".

The rendition followed comments made by Don Gilet's character, Lucas Johnson,who said: "No one goes to Croydon for their birthday."

This is not the first time Croydon has had a prominent part in the show.

Peter The Wingless Duck, a star character in feature 'The K Factor', was created in Croydon.