Kingston University is to be commended on its success and contribution to becoming “green” in an esteemed environmental competition that six students and lecturer Paul Brandon took part in earlier this year.

The “Green Guardian Award” is said to “celebrate those individuals and organisations across the whole of South London who really are making a difference and taking the lead when it comes to protecting our environment”.

In total, Kingston University were involved in four of the winning projects but it was the “Faculty of Engineering” designed by Brandon and his students that came out trumps, winning the award for “best green concept”.

The team designed an “electric, clean-emission motorbike” and was commended on its original idea and hard work. In an interview with the Kingston University press office Paul Brandon said: “Staff and students worked late nights and early mornings to get it done and we got cash and parts from industry without which the project would not have come close to being finished so quickly.”

The award reflected that of their “green ideas” as each programme received a Cox's orange pippin tree at a ceremony at the Rose theatre, these types of apple are highly regarded due to their excellent flavour and texture which changes from complex acidic and crunchy in early September to more mellow and softer after storage.

The University winners are still unsure of where to plant the tree but acknowledge the honour and hope to continue promoting and inventing environmentally friendly ideas indefinitely.