Yoga is a form of exercise and a meditative process, which originated in India. It uses breathing, exercise and meditation to improve health and to balance the body and mind.

Teen girls can try out yoga on Mondays at Brentford Methodist Church. The class accommodates beginners and those who are more advanced. Yoga is a great way of relaxing, and preparing for a busy week! The class also teaches you disciplines which you can apply to everyday situations, such as breathing techniques that can be used to calm down before an exam.

The class begins with a warm up, the sun salutation, or Surya Namaskar, which involves 12 steps, which improve strength and flexibility of the muscles. Each week, the class is focused on a different subject, such as balancing, or twisting. You can learn interesting poses such as headstand, or the crow, which involves balancing on only your hands! The class finishes with a relaxation, to relax the muscles and mind.

Yoga is a very beneficial practice. You can learn new poses, which improve flexibility and fitness and it also calms and relaxes you.