An aid worker from Crystal Palace is providing support to thousands of earthquake victims in Haiti.

Based in neighbouring Dominican Republic, Richard North, 43, is part of a huge emergency response to the devastating earthquake.

Mr North is helping to coordinate the distribution of much needed aid including blankets, tents, cooking equipment and hygiene packs.

He said: "Basic materials can make such a difference when you have nothing, when you have lost your home and everything in it.

"We receive the cargo, arrange for it to be stored in the warehouses and will send it forward as and when the Red Cross working from Port-au-Prince ask for it."

Mr North joined the British Red Cross in 1994 during the Rwanda crisis. He said: "For me it’s about helping other people.

"I was working for a private company before that and wanted to do something more meaningful. I wanted to help people and the Red Cross was the obvious choice for that."

The earthquake in Haiti destroyed the capital Port-au-Prince and was the worst to strike the country in 200 years.

The Haitian government estimates one million people have been severely affected and more than 200,000 have died. Hundreds of thousands are in urgent need of assistance.

Mr North said: "Reconstruction is our focus now and getting people into shelter because the hurricane season is on its way.

"We have reached a 265,000 people with Red Cross aid so far and are providing water to more than 300,000 people every day. Entire families have lost their homes and are living outside so they need virtually everything."

The Disasters Emergency Committee has already raised £70m but the Red Cross say more is needed. To make a donation to the Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Appeal visit