Employees at West Croydon bus station are furious it is taking Croydon Council so long to fix a deep pothole at the entrance of the station.

A deep groove appeared in the road some weeks ago which was made worse by buses driving over it.

Bus station employees say two women were injured tripping over the hole two weeks ago within 48 hours of one another, but despite numerous calls, the council have yet to fix the problem.

The council said it has scheduled a permanent repairs. Signs saying “trip hazard” have been erected at the site of the pothole.

One employee, who does not wish to be named, said he was at work when a mother fell heavily onto the road on February 11.

“She was not looking at the ground, she tripped on it.

“She had shopping bags in her hands, her face went into the road. She was suffering from the shock of it all and she kept apologising. She had her daughter with her.

“On Saturday an old lady in her 80s went over it and smashed her face and her front teeth. She was so dignified. I felt so sorry for her, I could not even give her a cup of tea because her teeth were all smashed up.

“I was expecting to turn up to work the next day with the hole filled in but it was not.

“Our area manager was down there, he was so upset about what happened.

“Croydon council promised a contractor would be there in two hours but nothing happened.”

A spokesman said: “The council’s contractor has scheduled a permanent repair for Sunday, February 28. Until that date, the situation will be monitored and further temporary repairs undertaken if necessary.”