The “Can We (Talk 2)” service, run by Jigsaw4u and funded by London Borough of Sutton, enables disabled children and young people in Sutton to be part of the consultation and decision making process with service providers and members of the Sutton Disability Partnership for Children and Young People within the London Borough of Sutton. It has been a phenomenal success over the last five years, under the guidance of Sue Clark at Jigsaw4u.

Thanks to a new three year contract with the London Borough of Sutton and Jigsaw4u’s appointment of Paul Henthorne to focus on this service, it is being relaunched with renewed vigour. A Family Fun Day was held in late 2009 at the Sutton Arena with the theme of “If you were King or Queen of Sutton for a day, what would you change?” Many disabled children, young people and their families were involved, making jewelled crowns and giving their input “By Royal Decree”, not to mention the bouncy castles, face-painting, graffiti walls, drama, drumming and football workshops and a show at the end! A huge amount of fun was had by all and there were some great ideas for the names of the new advisory groups.

So if you are, or know, a disabled child or young person aged between eight and 17 years wanting to make a difference and get involved, or simply find out more, please get in touch with Paul Henthorne at Jigsaw4u on 020 8687 1384 or