Once a year, all students from Surbiton High's year 7 up to year 11 prepare speaches. Hoping that their speaches are pursuasive, argumentative and informative, the girls spend weeks writing and re-writing their speaches on their desired topics. These range from; 'say no to designer babies', 'barbies are bad influences' and 'why we shouldnt wear school uniform'.

The speaches are presented exclusively to english classes, from this first nerve racking stage, three people are picked to represent their class. One giving their speach, the second taking on the role of chairman and the last delivering the vote of thanks. These teams of extremely powerful speakers again show off their skills, this time competing against the five other teams which were selected from the other classes in the year. Judged by the English department, one team is chosen from the six to then compete further in the competition, against the other finalists from other years to eventually have a winning team from the whole school.

Public speaking, when mentioned, brings stress, nerves and the debate of which topic to choose. However distressing the thought of the dreaded public speaking, the girls of Surbtion High never fail to impress. Hopefully, as the second rounds commence, this years public speaking teams will be under pressure to keep the high standards but no doubt will they fail to perform.