Top 10 nutrition tips for 2010 1. Breakfast like a King or Queen - never skip breakfast, it kick starts your metabolism, balances blood sugar and keeps cravings at bay. Try porridge, eggs or natural yoghurt, berries and granola.

2. Look after your Liver - you need your liver to be in top condition to do its job properly. The liver is the engine of the body and is responsible for detox, digestion, regulation of hormones and manufacture of enzymes. Start your day with hot water and lemon, include garlic, onions, artichokes and green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Sip on nettle tea and fresh water throughout the day.

3. Optimise digestion - Good digestion ensures that you get maximum benefit from the foods you eat and will ensure that you skin glows with health. You need to have high levels of good bacteria to fight off infection and digest foods, you can increase levels by taking a probiotic supplement and including natural yoghurt in your diet.

4. Eat Good fats - We need high levels of good fats in our diet to protect our health, keep skin supple, protect our heart and to feed our brains. Don’t be fooled into eating low fat foods to loose weight because they are often packed with sugar and leave us feeling hungry. Include oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocados and olives in your diet every week.

5. Super foods for your weekly shop: Avocado - great skin Oats - balance blood sugar. Raspberries - reduces cramps and tonic reproductive system. Tuna - skin, hormones and great source of protein. Almonds - calming and great protein source. Sweet potato - detoxifying and pack with anti oxidants. Corn - Contains essential fats which feed the brain. Snack on homemade popcorn, great for studying! Blueberries - aid detox and provide antioxidants. Natural yoghurt - supports digestive health by boosting good bacteria levels 6. The 80 80 rule - Eating should be enjoyable. The secret to success is balance and a realistic perspective. Aim to be 80% good 80% of the time 7. Protein - essential for growth repair and balances moods and sugar levels which will reduce cravings and help weight loss. Protein foods have low GI which means energy gets released slowly. Include either meat, fish, dairy, grains, whey, eggs, nuts, seeds and pulses with each meal and snack.

8. Avoid white grains- avoid all white bread, pasta and rice and switch to whole grain or other alternatives and watch your energy rise.

9. Variety - Aim for a rainbow diet, include as many different coloured foods as possible to increase the variety of nutrients in each meal.

10. Long term - Diets don’t work, focus on learning about food and how it effects you so that you are in control of how you look and feel.

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