Suspected swine flu sufferers in Surrey will no longer be tested for the disease but automatically given drugs to treat it.

NHS Surrey made the shift last week in line with national guidance, after the number of cases increased but symptoms were generally mild.

As of June 30, there had been 48 confirmed cases in Surrey but the number is expected to have already risen. There will now be no further official records of the number of sufferers.

In all Surrey cases so far, the people affected have developed a mild illness and made a full recovery.

Helen Atkinson, associate director of public health at NHS Surrey, said: “People who have the virus will still be offered antivirals and this decision will now be made by their clinician without having to wait for test results.

“This is a sensible and careful approach. Many people will be able to recover from swine flu without the need for antivirals and may choose not to seek treatment.”

Patients were still advised not to go to hospitals or surgeries and instead call their GP or NHS Direct on 0845 4647.

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