Why are the rich and famous - Kate Moss, Sir Philip Green and Pat Cash to name but three - flocking to Kingston for lunch? Because Jo Wood, estranged wife of Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood, opened a temporary restaurant in the dining room of her Victorian house on Kingston Hill this week.

Called Mrs Paisley’s Lashings, it will be open until July 8, and is timed to coincide with Wimbledon and the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.

She and four chefs aim to serve 250 lunches, priced from £120 each. Her motive is not profit (she’s giving a chunk of the takings to the Soil Association) but her passion for healthy eating and organic produce.

Thus her 2.5 acre garden is packed with many varieties of fruit, veg, herbs and edible flowers, all of which are being used for the restaurant menu and will, she hopes, educate people on how to have a fine meal from their own gardens.

Jo says she learned the value of healthy eating after her wild, drug-fuelled tours with the Rolling Stones left her dangerously ill. She is now fighting fit and, she says, fresh organic produce is largely responsible.

If you fancy one of “Mrs Paisley’s” lunches there might still be a reservation left via mrspaisleyslashings.com.

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