A support service is urging businesses to make the most of the summer months.

Business Link in London said the summer would be a “vital period” for businesses in Croydon, particularly the retail sector.

It said the season needs to be used to take stock of the last six months, review progress against annual targets, revise and update targets and plan for the second half of the year.

It added the next six months could be “make or break” for many small businesses, given the turbulent start to the year.

Denis Palmer, regional manager for Business Link in London, said: “The summer months are an important time for small businesses, but many don’t take enough advantage of the opportunities they bring.

“I would urge businesses to look again at their plans and targets for the year and take stock of the last six months.”

The summer holidays also bring opportunities to target holidaymakers.

With more people having time off work or tourists coming into the area, businesses can attract new customers and see a mid-year boost in sales.

With more UK residents holidaying in the British Isles this year and commentators predicting a lift in UK tourism driven by favourable exchange rates, London businesses look set to benefit in the coming months.

Mr Palmer said: “Businesses in Croydon, particularly in the retail sector, need to be aware of the opportunities summer brings and create innovative ways of capitalising on these opportunities.

“Retail business is very cyclical and driven by the seasons, so now is a great time to look closely at what you’re doing and put in changes.”